Our Episodes
Season 14
Rachel and Jess close out the season with Dr. Angela Wyand, unpacking community support, iron deficiency symptoms, and a sweet confession from Jess to her crush. They leave us with laughter, insights, and a big reminder - we’re here, and we matter!
Tune in as Rachel, Jess, and special guest hematologist Jenna Moyer explore the impact of hemophilia on girls, sharing personal stories and tips for managing periods and symptoms.
Tune in as Rachel, Jess, and special guest hematologist Jenna Moyer explore the impact of hemophilia on girls, sharing personal stories and tips for managing periods and symptoms.
Tune in as Rachel, Jess, and special guest hematologist Jenna Moyer explore the impact of hemophilia on girls, sharing personal stories and tips for managing periods and symptoms.
Dr. Robert Sedonio Jr. helps Rachel and Jess tackle the big issue: Why women with hemophilia are more than just "carriers" and what the right diagnosis could mean for their treatment.
Women can have hemophilia too, but why is it so hard to get the right care? Rachel and Jess bring Ashley Gregory to the show to break down how Fair Time for Women is changing the game and what YOU can do to advocate for yourself at the doctor’s office!
Tune in as Rachel, Jess, and special guest hematologist Jenna Moyer explore the impact of hemophilia on girls, sharing personal stories and tips for managing periods and symptoms.
Pam shares her jaw-dropping story of being misdiagnosed for decades. What the medical world got wrong about women and bleeding disorders, and why we need to speak up!
Season 12
Riley is determined to find vWF and fix all of their problems, but Rachel starts to think that vWF is not the answer, maybe the the answer lies within. Check out the finale of season 12 of Stop the Bleeding!
A rogue platelet, Lettie, has shown the twins and Liam where the missing vWF is. Do they have the courage to cross the threshold?
Now Rachel and Riley have to look out for their little brother, Liam, but he could actually be helpful in finding the missing vWF!
Riley and Rachel are now stuck in Running Stream and they come across a mean-looking bunch of platelets and a heartbroken Factor 8. Do they know where the missing VWF is?
14 year-old twins, Rachel and Riley have just been diagnosed with von Willebrand disease and no one is listening to them! Maybe if they use their magic twin powers, they can find the missing vWF and get back to normal life.
Season 11
Together, Factor 8 and Factor 9 must activate Factor 10 in order to help stop the bleeding, but will that be enough??
Von Willebrand leads Factor 8 and Factor 9 to the site of a massive bleed and guides them through the activation process!
The factors reflect on their first experience of the clotting cascade and Factor 9 asks some important questions of a new- and critical- associate: von Willebrand.
More senior Factor 8 and 9 proteins show the factors around the bloodstream, introduce them to Factor 10, and bring them to see the clotting cascade in action for the first time!
A new Factor 8 and Factor 9 protein graduate Liver Academy and embark on an adventure into the bloodstream!
Season 10
All good things must come to an end. At Adonwanableed, our week of camp concludes with a one-of-a-kind talent show, a through-the-years slideshow, and a tech-friendly wish boat ceremony you won’t want to miss. Thank you Adonwanableed. You’re our home.
No week at camp is complete without an epic scavenger hunt! Join an overly excited Spencer and follow Jacqui’s clues for a fun cruise through some of the summer’s most memorable moments!
The “indoor kids” have their place at camp too, as arts-and-crafts mystic Gertie knows well. Join her, Brandon and Megan for some friendship-bracelet making, then wind down your Day 4 with some guided meditation courtesy of counselor Debbie!
Get your body moving and your blood pumping this morning with clinical physical therapist Grace Hernandez, as she models some innovative ways to exercise and keep healthy right from the comfort of your own home!
Before lights out, gather around the campfire for a very special cabin chat, where you’ll hear the legend of the Qui Qui Quay then work with Goose, Carol, and the rest of the reunion crew to make your very own camp monster!
Craving some of those delicious camp yum yums this morning? Haven’t a clue how to make them? Well neither does Benny, but that won’t stop him from trying on a very special episode of Benny’s Big Bite, the only cooking show guaranteed to set you back.
Virtual camp is no place to slack on self-care, so before we go any further, join Nurse Hope & Camper Zach as they demonstrate and talk us through how to successfully self-infuse no matter where you are!
Your first full day of camp means that it’s time for some quintessential camp activities, like archery, fishing and horseback riding! And who better to teach us all how to bring these great outdoor activities inside than indoors expert, Eddie!
Camp veterans Nora and Slater help you set up your at-home B.U.N.K. so that your cabin is primed and ready for the week ahead, so grab a B.U.N.K. mate and follow along!
Welcome to camp- virtual camp, that is! Spencer introduces Adonwanableed’s new camp director Rich Pezzillo who previews the organized chaos you should expect during your week at Virtual Camp Adonwanableed!
Season 9
You can’t spell Family Education Day without Spencer! But Spencer is leaving Villahermosa! Will Dr. Baquero find someone who she thinks can effectively run the chapter, while also meeting all of Spencer’s outlandish hiring requirements?!
Will Miguel learn self-infusion?! Will Spencer’s off the wall lessons prove effective??
But just how different is advocating for yourself in Mexico? Are these parents ready to make their voice heard by the people that need to hear it? And will someone please explain why they call it “Hill” Day?
Dr. Young and Jamie’s advice isn’t landing, but just when Diego’s about ready to head home, a STB! couple who’ve been down this road before fly in to help out.
Will Spencer figure out how to RICE effectively without ice? Will Jamie’s preparations for moments like these pay off? And if they survive this heat, will they survive each other?!
Will Spencer manage to convince Éspe to get Junior the treatment he needs? Or will cultural differences make Junior’s crutches a permanent accessory?
Spencer believes they still need the help of an old friend...err..robot...to help reinforce important self-care practices…
Spencer, Nurse Jamie, and Dr. Young are back! And this time, they’re headed to Mexico! Well they’re actually already in Mexico…
Season 8
Grey’s Anatomy. ER. That one with the guy from Garden State. Sure, there have been tons of other hospital shows, but never before have we seen... Generic Hospital!
Grey’s Anatomy. ER. That one with the guy from Garden State. Sure, there have been tons of other hospital shows, but never before have we seen... Generic Hospital!
Special guest star, Chris Bombardier, the first severe hemophiliac to summit Mount Everest, visits Brandon in a dream, setting him on a quest to create inspiring content for the bleeding disorders community!
Sickle cell disease and rare factor deficiencies are about to receive some spotlight when a power outage hits the STB! studio.
Dr. Young and Nurse Jamie recruit Slater to become the HTC’s new physical therapist on one of their busiest days of the year!
There are a lot of life changes in store for the young folk of STB! But they’re sure to get by from the help of their friends and littler…friends.
When Nora’s hemophiliac father shows up for her birthday and reveals he’s a magician called Noah The All Knowing, the group gets to work on producing a magic show!
Benny and Eddie are working on a wildly artsy Public Service Announcement advocating for people with bleeding disorders!
Stop The Bleeding! has evolved into a non-profit TV studio and the gang is running the show- literally!
Season 7
It's Family Education Day and there are many things up in the air!
Family Education Day is just around the corner! But will the team be ready?!
It's time for Christmas in July at Stop the Bleeding! And that means another Holiday Cheer Competition, or "Ho-Chee-Co!"
Megan throws a pool party and invites the office! The interns all agree the party is "lit," or something, while the adults have to google what that means.
When the Stop the Bleeding! team finds out that Goose hasn’t told his new girlfriend Carol about his hemophilia, the group chimes in with all sorts of advice and Goose is forced to decide: to disclose or not to disclose?!
The eternally zany social worker, Tiffany, is here to save the day! Right…?!
Spencer’s converting the STB! office into a hot yoga studio thrusts him and Jacqui into a major conflict, during which Ace sustains an injury that leads to a problematic nosebleed!
The STB gang has moved their offices from New York City to sunny Fresno, CA!
Season 6
Will the Talent Show have the magic Spencer has been searching for?
Will Spencer find out what all mystery acts will be at the Talent Show? Will Slater finally learn to self infuse? Will Stacey ever return to camp?
Will Franklin's sage money saving advice resonate with Benny?! Or will the camp be out of business for good?
Will Brandon find the illusive Qui-Qui Quay the whole camp is talking about?
Stop The Bleeding! goes to camp for Season 6!! Will Spencer be able to recreate the magic of camp for the rest of the Stop The Bleeding! crew?
Season 5
Will Eddie's return be triumphant or will Jacqui return-to-sender?!
Trevor makes a popular song even more awesome - hint: it has to do with hemophilia! And, coincidence, Broadway star Anthony Rapp makes an appearance!
Spencer is shocked by the real cause of his elbow pain... and his knee pain... and his neck pain... basically his everywhere pain.
Spencer prepares the group for a Teen Day Retreat, but his body, and Benny's(!), have other plans. Just when the gang thinks they have everything under control, new characters and new crises burst through the door!
Season 4
Spencer share some special screentime with guest star and community member Jeanne White Ginder!
Will Spencer’s new costume make him the laughing stock of Midwest Hemophilia Association's Family Fun Fair?
Will Spencer’s new costume make him the laughing stock of Midwest Hemophilia Association's Family Fun Fair?
Kill ‘em with kindness or kill ‘em with…quiet? Find out on this episode of Stop the Bleeding!
Season 3
Balance is the key to life! But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Especially for zombies…
Only one man can save them from Zombie Franklin... SPENCER! Will he return to fearlessly save his friends?!
Spencer goes off the grid - will he disappear into nature's vast wilderness?!
Season 2
A mystery tip leads Spencer to Los Angeles where he meets MLB All-Star Pitcher CJ Wilson of the Los Angeles Angels, who has some key advice! Will Spencer listen?
Spencer steals an idea from LeBron James of the Miami Heat and forces the gang to help him find a celebrity face for hemophilia!
Season 1
Spencer hosts a pain management seminar and tries to improvise the entire thing... what could possibly go wrong?!
Spencer decides it's time to get in shape! But, his forays into self-training go horribly wrong!
Spencer thinks he has some bold new ideas for outreach in the hemophilia community, but Franklin wants him to play it safe.